On Friday, 19 October 2018 at 02:20:22 UTC, Manu wrote:

I've given use cases constantly, about taking object ownership, promotions, and distribution for periods (think parallel for),

Manu, you haven't shown *any* code in which conversion from mutable to shared, an *implicit* one at that, was even present, let alone useful. While at the same time blatantly dismissing *all* examples to the contrary as "bad code" or any other reason, especially the "you just don't understand". How do you expect us to understand if all you do is talk about how it's useful, but don't explain why? You can talk and brag all you want, but until you do show at least one example, I'm sorry but you have no case. And what's this all about? A *small*, localized portion of your proposal, that isn't event the source of the problems you're talking about in the current state of affairs. In all examples flying about in this thread, all of *required* casts were *the opposite*, from shared to mutable, and you yourself acknowledge that those are indeed required on the lowest level. As I've said numerous times, from all that's been said and implied in this thread, the *only* use of implicit casting that comes to mind is avoiding writing some forwarding methods, that's about it. I honestly can't see how this is valuable to warrant such a drastic change in the language. Now maybe it's that I'm dumb, then just say so already and we'll all move on. Just don't act like you're the only one who knows it all and everyone else is an unwashed pleb clinging to worshiping the faces in the trees.

I can achieve all my goals with full @safety, absolutely no casts in user code, and I have infrastructure in production that applies these patterns successfully. It's worth pursuing.

Okay... Then please do show *one* example of useful implicit conversion from mutable to shared.

I've spent years thinking on this, I'm trying to move the needle on this issue for the first time in over a decade at least,

And you're behaving in this thread as if everyone else, myself included, were sitting on our thumbs counting flies for this same decade.

and you have violently opposed, in principle, from the very first post, and make no effort to actually understand the proposition.

I haven't done such a thing. I have asked you, numerous times, one, and only one question, and you never so much as replied to *that question*. What is the big value of this implicit conversion that it would warrant changing current language rules regarding type conversions?

It's clearly a contest from your insurance that my proposal in worthless in every single post you've made. You want me to admit defeat and desist.

And here you are, continuing to presume. Now you suddenly know what I want. Marvelous.

I *don't* want you to admit any defeat, *or* desist. I *want* you to succeed. I *want* to help make `shared` useful so that I and everyone else can actually start writing code with it, not in spite of it. I've agreed with you on pretty much everything in your proposal, *except one thing*. I want you to demonstrate the practical value of *that thing*, and it's benefits over the current state of affairs, and I asked you several times to explain to us mere unwashed mortals exactly how it's useful. What have we been doing for 17 pages? Discussing the benefits of disabling reads/writes on shared? No. Estimating how much existing code could go to trash, what parts of DRuntime/Phobos would need a rewrite? No. We were in constant back-and-forth of "But... nope... but... nope" about this implicit conversion, which you value so much yet for some reason fail to defend. Saying "I had good time with it" is not a very practical defense, not for a language construct anyway.

Fuck you. You win. I don't have the time or energy to argue against a wall.

If you ask to destroy, be prepared for a fight. Or don't ask. Just stop appealing to your own authority.

You are obscene, you're complete unproductive, and destructive from no apparent reason.

Give it all you've got, please. Let it all out all at once.

I hope you continue to love shared, just the way it is... useless.

Yet another presumption. Good on you.

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