On Friday, 19 October 2018 at 06:25:00 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 19/10/2018 7:09 PM, Norm wrote:

[0] https://github.com/rikkimax/DIPs/blob/shared/DIPs/DIP1xxx-RC2.md

This document provide no reasoning about what usecases it supports:

Is it possible to create objects that are shared just for short periods during their livetime and guarantee that they can be used threadsave like Manu want it to be?

Does it prohibit misuse any better than Manus proposal (that requires the "Expert" to implement all theadsave API)?

Is the "normal" User still enforced to do some unsave casts?

Has the normal User to have high knownledge of how a threadsave API is to be used or can the compiler provide any guarantees that using them can only fail if the implementation behind the API has bugs (e.g. provide some encapsulation)?

Or any other usecases why and how this design is better than what we have now?

And also some ideas how to implement some useacases (examples) are completely missing.

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