== Quote from "J�r�me_M._Berger" (jeber...@free.fr)'s article
> PS: At work, we mustn't use C++ because:
> - It's slow;
> - Its standard library is too big (100k);
> - In a future product, we might want to reuse this module and not
> have C++ (Oh, yes I didn't tell you that we *do* have the C++ stdlib
> in our products because the web browser they bought to run their
> HTML+Javascript+HTML+XML+C+XML+C+XML+C GUI uses it, but *we* aren't
> allowed to, fckng morons)

This is a great point and deserves to be highlighted:  D was meant to be a 
C++, not a better C.  If someone won't use C++ instead of C (apparently there 
a decent amount of these people), then there's not a snowball's chance in hell
they'd use D, even if we fixed the binary size issue, made D more usable 
without a
GC, and in general made it in every way at least as efficient as C++.

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