"Andrei Alexandrescu" <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote in message 
> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "Andrei Alexandrescu" <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote in message 
>> news:hjgopn$1i7...@digitalmars.com...
>> - iPods have a Power button, but they cannot be turned off via the 
>> so-called Power button. They are turned off by holding "Up" for a few 
>> seconds. Easily wins the lifetime award for "Dumbest Interface Design 
>> Choice I've Ever Seen".
> http://www.macnn.com/articles/06/05/25/apple.wins.dad.awards/
>> - How long did it take the iPhone to get basic copy/paste? (I'm not sure, 
>> but I know it was a ridiculously long time for such a basic feature. 
>> Handspring, for instance, had smartphones with copy/paste from day one, 
>> and that was years before the iPhone was ever announced.)
> http://www.appletell.com/apple/comment/apple-wins-eight-product-design-awards-at-cebit/
> Brownie points for not going with the mainstream opinion.

"Gone With The Wind" won prestigious awards too. I still hated every minute 
of it.

> P.S. Never heard of Handspring.

They were one of the biggest manufacturers of third-party PalmOS devices (I 
miss PalmOS PDAs). My first PDA was a Handspring Visor. Handspring's Treo 
was one of the earliest smartphones, although that was before people were 
calling them smartphones.

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