On 03/24/2010 02:11 PM, Moritz Warning wrote:
On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 13:55:12 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 03/24/2010 01:33 PM, Moritz Warning wrote:
Can dmd output the location of it's binary and the dmd.conf it uses? It
would be really helpful to solve a lot of problems and confusion that
arises in #D.

People use different installers, packages and what else not when some
installation doesn't work right away. Usually it makes every other
attempts to find the problem a nightmare.


You mean in -v builds? I also think that would be very useful. Also
having the module name, whether express or deduced, would be great.


dmd -v doesn't outputs the absolute path of the dmd binary.
Information about the path that must be used in dmd.conf
needs some deduction from the dmd -v output (when the dmd.conf is

But when there is a wrong dmd.conf (with wrong paths inside) picked up by
dmd, then there is no information at all:

dmd main.d -v
parse     main
importall main
import    object        (object.d)
object.d: Error: module object cannot read file 'object.d'

Having the absolute path to dmd and dmd.conf would help a lot at this
I've seen countless people struggling and also failing with this problem..

Absolutely. I never know the full logic by which dmd.conf is found, it's quite convoluted. You may want to submit a bugzilla enhancement request. I don't think the dmd binary is essential, after all you launched it so you can do a which dmd or whatever. But the name of the module being compiled would help.


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