On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:46:55 +0400, Steven Schveighoffer <schvei...@yahoo.com> wrote:

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 14:29:52 -0400, so <s...@so.do> wrote:

What you want is implicit function template instantiation based on the return type. D doesn't do that, it doesn't even allow overloading based on the return type. However, you can infer the return type using auto:

auto inv(T)(T m)
    return 1.0/m;



I guess, i am unable to express myself.

In code :

T inv(T)(T m) {
        return 1.0/m;

If we forget the rules of default literals that C derived languages have, just for a second.

And enforce our own little rule.
- no implicit casts

With this in mind this code says; i gave you T, give me T in return, perfectly clear i guess? Now when you call the function with a floating point, real, double, float..., you will get what you asked for. Now what about other types? Say you call it with a non floating type, when compiler tries to divide the first thing it will encounter that one of two elements of the operation is a non-float, since we enforced a rule, it gives warning or error.

What you are asking for is a template instantiation that depends on instantiating itself. How about a function like this?

void foo(int x);

T inv(T)(T m) {
    return 1.0/m;

How do you know what type to use for T? It's simple when you make inv a one-liner, there is only one thing to look at. But as you start making the function more complex, then it's impossible to tell what the user actually wants. In this instance, T must be implicitly convertable to int, but also must be a floating point type. Clearly there is an error here, but where is it? This is called ambiguity, and to avoid it, the compiler makes a decision, right or wrong, based on the literal used to call the function. It expects you, the user, to help out when it doesn't make the right one. I don't think it's too much to ask. It's simply a tradeoff between being an all-powerful oracle-like compiler and being a simple-to-write compiler.

I don't think a language/compiler should make premature decisions when an ambiguity happens,
What is warning or error mechanism for then?
In your case, we have a rule at hand, and you broke it. That should require an explicit cast, Also, when you have a framework, you would have the T version of the "foo" right? I guess i am missing something here.

What the compiler sees when deciding to instantiate is this:

T inv(T)(T m) {...}

And it makes a decision.

I am perfectly fine with that.

If you have a problem with writing inv(5.0) instead of inv(5), then maybe D just isn't for you.


I am not sure what you mean really? You mean the other way around? i want :

inv(5.0f), inv(5.0d), inv(5.0L)
T x; inv(x); // where T is floating point type.


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