On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 09:20:56 -0400, so <s...@so.do> wrote:

You are right, inv is a dumb function, we need a real world example.
Say we have a function with 2 overloads, which might be the reasons of precision, performance...

float foo(float m) {}
double foo(double m) {}

Now we need to call this within a generic code.

void test(T)(T m) {
        return m * foo(0.3);

Since 0.3 is a double, double version will be called, so we should use foo(cast(T)0.3), right? When the function foo is a popular one, what am i going to do? anything other than casting at each occurrence?
with functions like foo, code becomes like...

void test2(T)(T m) {
        T n = foo1(cast(T)0.3) / foo2(cast(T)9);

OK, I see the issue now. The syntax for declaring that a literal is the type of T is too verbose. This is different than what I thought you wanted.

I agree this isn't the best situation. It's good that it is possible, but we should strive to find a better way.

Sorry for the noise from misunderstanding.

As for the better way, one possibility is using C++-style value type constructors:


This provides a way to have T be a user-defined type as well (define static opCall or a constructor)

So the test function would look like this:

void test(T)(T m) {
   return m * foo(T(0.3));

It would be nice to say "in this function, assume numeric literals are of type T," but that might be too specific a solution (could only apply to builtin types). I don't think it's feasible for the compiler to infer what type it should use.


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