Am 21.05.2010 23:14, schrieb Matthias Pleh:
Am 21.05.2010 22:27, schrieb Nick Sabalausky:
"Matthias Pleh"<> wrote in message

Oh god, we have to inform micropoll, there is more than the USA ...

"Kagamin"<s...@here.lot> wrote in message

I'd appreciate js, but pissed off by flash.

Yea, micropoll unfortunately has a lot of deficiencies. Like, when I was
typing in the possible choices, the text box was lagging by roughly a
second. And I've had some discussion with their support staff, and
they seem
to be the type of support people who are very easily confused. (Either
or I'm just a hell of a lot worse at explaining things than I think I am
;) )

Funny is, that it shows me in the result that there were 2 votes in my
area of about a radius of 50km, so there must be another D-enthusiast
near by me, maybe my grandmother, who knows ....

It says "See how users are polling in Vorarlberg : Total Votes : 2"

So it seems that in every erea of us life 2 D-enthusiasts ...

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