Rainer Deyke wrote:
On 5/22/2010 23:16, Mike Parker wrote:
That's not the problem. The problem is this:

const(char)* toStringz(const(char)[] s);

There's no equivalent for:

char *toStringz(char[] s);

Hence the need to cast away const or use a wrapper for non-const char*

There is no way to define this function with the correct semantics in D.
 'toStringz' must append a null character to the string, therefore it
cannot return a pointer to the original string data in the general case.
 If you pass the resulting string to a function that mutates it, then
the changes will not be reflected in the original string.

If you pass the resulting string to a function that does /not/ mutate
it, then that function should be defined to take a 'const char *'.

I understand that. But, ignoring the fact that toStringz in D1 seems to have functioned perfectly fine for several years without a const return, it doesn't change the fact that a C function call that accepts a char* expects it to be null-terminated, regardless of what happens to it on the other side.

And I would argue that it's unreasonable to expect the declarations of C functions to be declared const-correct based on their usage. To my knowledge, all of the C bindings for D to date either don't use const at all (because they were created for D1) or use it according to the declarations in the C headers. Which means there are numerous C functions out there with non-const params that do not modify them.

Then there's the issue of compatibility between D1/D2. I've bound several C libraries for D that need to support both D1/D2, Phobos/Tango. Supporting const was one of the first headaches I encountered when porting the original D1 bindings to D2. Finding that toStringz returned a const string was a big surprise.

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