On 2010-06-04 01:58:03 +0200, Walter Bright said:

D is an extremely powerful language, but when I read complaints and sighs about other languages, few seem to know that these problems are solved with D. Essentially, we have a marketing problem.

One great way to address it is by writing articles about various aspects of D and how they solve problems, like http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/cb14j/compiletime_function_execution_in_d/ which was well received on reddit.

Anyone have good ideas on topics for D articles? And anyone want to stand up and write an article?

They don't have to be comprehensive articles (though of course those are better), even blog entries will do.

I will write a blog article how I used D to write an extension DLL for the Rebol-3 language. I used the C stuff and ported it over in a couple of hours.

Being now able to use D on the compile side give totally new possibilities.

On the other hand those articles should focus on those complaints and sighs topics from other languages and show how elegant D can solve it. To keep the link.

Robert M. Münch

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