"Adam Ruppe" <destructiona...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> On 6/5/10, Jeff Nowakowski <j...@dilacero.org> wrote:
>> Why is this interesting? D is a static, compiled, "system" language
>> designed to be near the speed of C. PHP is a scripting language, similar
>> to Perl, but built to make web coding easier.
> The reason I did the benchmarks was because I was talking to someone
> about it, and he said "yeah, php sucks, but isn't CGI really slow?" It
> isn't, not with D.

Yea, justified or not, it's a very prevailant belief in the web dev world 
that CGI == slow (since the whole process is reloaded on every request). In 
fact, until Adam mentioned his results, I had been wondering how CGI's 
overhead compared to the speed hit from using something like PHP (Of course, 
it probably depends on other things too, like Win vs Unix, Apache vs IIS, 
how much processing is actually done to generate the page, etc). And there's 
a lot of web devs and managers out there who would never even think to 
question their ingrained belief that CGI is slow. There's fastcgi, of 
course, but a lot of web devs (and managers) have never even heard of that.

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