Peter Alexander Wrote:

> On 25/07/10 12:11 PM, levenshtein wrote:
> > Walter Bright Wrote:
> >
> >> Justin Johansson wrote:
> >>> It sounds like the D PL has invented the range idiom unlike any other PL.
> >>
> >> Pointer programming is deeply embedded into the C++ culture, and iterators 
> >> segue
> >> nicely into that culture. For D, however, programming revolves around 
> >> arrays,
> >> and ranges fit naturally into that.
> >>
> >> It'll take years, but I'll be very surprised if ranges don't filter into 
> >> many
> >> major languages, as well as other ideas that D has proven to be solid.
> >
> > At least the C++ fellows already stole your 'auto' type inference and the 
> > new template functionality. C# stole your delegate system. They even use 
> > the same terms. The world dominance already started.
> Not to belittle D, but type inference was around long before D came on 
> the scene, and I don't think they got the use of the auto keyword from D 
> (auto was already an (essentially unused) keyword in C++).

Type inference might have been around, but I believe it was A. Alexandrescu's 
influence that made C++0x adopt the same 'auto' keyword for type inference. You 
can see here:

It's essentially copied from D. Seems funny, but the mighty C++ committee is 
actually listening to us.

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