On 8/5/10, mwarning <moritzwarn...@web.de> wrote:
>  I assume that's what you call unusable?

I mean unusable in the literal sense:
$ ./ldc
./ldc: error while loading shared libraries: libelf.so.0: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

I hear it also doesn't do D2 at all, which is unacceptable, and that
it doesn't do exceptions in Windows - thus meaning it doesn't work
there at all for any real programs - which is unacceptable AND
unforgivable. AFAIK, the Windows unusability is in LLVM itself.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if there's a single person on the planet
who uses a D LLVM compiler professionally today given its limitations.
LDC is garbage, and that's all that actually exists. To abandon DMD
for that is language suicide.

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