Nick Sabalausky wrote:
I only rarely see them now. I don't have any of that DVR stuff (never thought it made sense to buy a device, as opposed to a service, on a subscription model), so not only do I get the increasingly irritating and patronizing commercials (I don't normally have a problem with commercials, just the irritating and patronizing ones, which are most of them these days), but I also get those ads that stations have injected *over-top* of the shows themselves as a backlash against DVRs (Which I don't even have! And I have to be punished anyway!) So I've just said "fuck them, and fuck playing fair, since they obviously aren't" and I only watch shows on library DVDs now, or if the libraries either don't have it or don't have it unscratched then downlaod (but not Hulu - fuck web browsers, fuck flash video, and fuck "TV on a PC"). So usually the only times I do see ads is when a roomate watches TV.

Me very satisfied Netflix customer.

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