On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 01:53:41 -0400, Nick Sabalausky <a...@a.a> wrote:

"Walter Bright" <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote in message
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
That's all I can think of. Certainly nothing from Apple since Woz left,
and that's the company most people try to point to as a shining example
of alleged "polish".

All I can say is you need to look at the product before it was polished to see if progress was made during the polishing process. Looking at just the
end result doesn't tell much.

The pre-release iterations are completely irrelevant. If the end result is
something with nearly-zero tactile feedback, super-ultra-hyperly-modal
interface, and can't be turned off with the "power" button, but only by
holding "Up" for five seconds, or has tiny ui elements that can't be
accessed with a stylus or fingernail but is far too small to do reliably
with a finger, or is a closed-locked-down-platform, or is branded as being a PDA-like device but still doesn't support something as basic as copy-paste
that PalmOS devices already had nearly ten years prior even in smartphone
form (Handspring Treo), then yes, the polish is crap no matter how much
crappier the early iterations were. Apple's "polish" exists as nothing more
than aesthetic-oriented graphic design, and it fools most people.

Love my iPhone. Love it. My last two phones were a Palm Treo and a Samsung touch-screen (w/stylus) smartphone with Windows mobile 6. They are absolute garbage compared to this. Granted, I started with the 3gs, and upgraded to iOS4 about a month after I got it, so my phone is the result of 3 years of polish, but I feel apple has the right focus for it.

iPhone is hands down the best phone I've ever used. I thought when I got it, I would have a hard time accessing small things like the on-screen keyboard keys, but I'm surprised at how accurate I am with it, even after only having it for a few months. I regularly go to webnews on digitalmars and can click the minuscule links pretty accurately.

You can not like them if you want, you are entitled to your opinion, but it seems like you have a very negative view of almost everything :) I bet your glass is half empty, huh...


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