On 09/01/2010 11:49 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:
On 1/09/10 9:08 PM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
Peter, can we discuss your solution here?

Sure, I'd be interested to hear any improvements. Like I said in my
answer, I'm still learning D so I'm sure there's many issues. For
example, I made no attempt for const-correctness or anything like that
(mostly for simplicity).

In particular, I'd be interested in knowing if there's a better way to
write opDispatch i.e. a way that doesn't use that ugly mixin.

It needs opEquals :-)

something like this

    auto opEquals(E e) {
        auto cmp = (E a) { return a == e; };
        return map!cmp(r);


    writeln(5 == amb([1,2,3,4,5]));

[false, false, false, false, true]

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