retard schrieb:
Wed, 08 Sep 2010 19:15:15 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:

retard wrote:
You must be young then. I got my first CD-ROM drive with my Pentium 75.
The first 1x external CD-ROM drives were pretty expensive. I think one
used to cost around $600..800.
Eh, my first CD-ROM drive was $1100 or so.

Was it that expensive? Anyway, the world has changed so much. You can probably find a decent dvd+rw drive for $30 or $40 now. My original point was that people like us who listened to CDs in the 80's quite likely still possess real hi-fi cd players or integrated cd/amp/tuner systems. These systems are unaffected by the cd copy protection methods.

Not necessarily - I've heard of "copy protections" (they should actually be called listening preventions) that caused trouble on old as well as some new CD players (not CD ROM drives).
Also Car CD player seem to be massively affected by such problems.
Why the hell should someone buy a CD he can't listen to in his car?!

I'd never buy a CD with copy protection - I like to rip them so I don't have to mess around with the discs (and also my car radio has a USB port and plays MP3s). As mentioned before ripping copy protected CDs is illegal (also in Germany where I live) - so if I gotta do something illegal just to listen to the CD I just payed 15EUR for I can as well download it for free.

Fortunately the kind of music I listen to (Heavy Metal) is mostly unaffected by copy protection and DRM on CDs. Metallica is probably one of the few exceptions, because they're so big or at the wrong lable or something.

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