On 15.09.2010 22:19, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Philippe Sigaud"<philippe.sig...@gmail.com>  wrote in message
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 17:01, Andrei Alexandrescu<
seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org>  wrote:

  I think we'll move forward with that one. I'll start working on the
content. Ideas for good tutorial examples?

Maybe more examples of what's interesting me right now than tutorials, but
who knows?

* executing command-lines instructions from a D program. Theme: file I/O,
An interesting example is having a script that loads a D file, modifies
source, asks for DMD to compile it and then runs it and get its result. It
could be the first brick to get a REPL / idmd (interactive dmd). Maybe
a [challenge] subject than a tutorial example?

One thing that could be used for that is the eval() function I've recently
added to my SemiTwist D Tools library:


import semitwist.util.all;
void main()
     auto x = eval!int(q{ return 21 * 2; }); // String can be
     assert(x == 42);

     eval!void( q{ writeln("Hello World"); }, q{ import std.stdio; } );

is that something like an "runtime" mixin

would be great to have something like that in the standard - then i can stop writing my own script interpreter for my at runtime loaded DSLs :-)

(and my dream is that walter can use something like that internaly for CTFEs)

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