Hello Don,

BCS wrote:

Hello retard,

Just today, I had it pointed out to me that one of the major
political differences between the US and Europe is that, as a
generality, Europeans, trust the government more than corporations,
where Americans, if we trust either, it's the corporations. It stands
to reason too; the US was populated by the people who didn't like
living under European governments.

For sure. That's why the US is such a beaurocratic country: if you
trust your government, you need a big layer of beaurocracy to add
additional checks.
Interestingly the lack of trust of the government doesn't occur in
New World countries like Australia -- it seems fairly specific to the
And just to be complete, need I remind you who was running Germany's

government about 75 years ago?

I don't think that's relevant. The US lack of trust of government is
very much older than that. "The right to bear arms".

There was two point in that:

1) Europeans don't trust their government more because it's more trust worthy (it isn't) and
2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law#Corollaries_and_usage

... <IXOYE><

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