retard wrote:
Sat, 02 Oct 2010 18:21:53 +0200, Don wrote:

retard wrote:
Back then the unhappy user was using a 1 GHz Pentium M notebook. I
tried this again. Guess what, the latest Eclipse Helios (3.6.1) took
3.5 (!!!) seconds to start up the whole Java workspace, open few
projects and fully initialize the editors etc for the most active
That's good news. Sounds as though they've fixed the startup performance

I meant that computers become more efficient. I've upgraded my system two times since this discussion last appeared here. If you wait 18 months, the 20 seconds becomes 10 seconds, in 36 months 5 seconds. It's the Moore's law, you know.

Sadly, software seems to be bloating at a rate which is faster than Moore's law. Part of my original post noted that it was much slower than my old 1MHz Commodore 64 took to boot my development environment from a cassette tape! So I still take it as a good sign that the rate of bloating is slower than Moore's law.

Has the original
complainer ever used Photoshop, CorelDraw, AutoCad, Maya/3DSMax, Maple/
MathCad/Mathematica, or some other Real World Programs (tm)? These are
all fucking slow. That's how it is: If you need to get the job done,
you must use slow programs.
That original poster was me. Yes, I've used all of those programs
(though not a recent version of CorelDraw). The startup time was 80
seconds, on the most most minimal standard Eclipse setup I could find.
MSVC was 3 seconds on the same system. I had expected the times to be
roughly comparable.

How long does it take to start up all those programs on your notebook? 15 minutes? I don't even consider Eclipse bloated compared to *these* applications.

Don't remember. I too have upgraded since then. I can say, though, that Eclipse was the worst I experienced (the others you mentioned were I think more in the 30 second range). Mind you, I never ran Labview on it. Labview would probably have been worse.

There was just something sloppy in Eclipse's startup code.

I don't recommend running Eclipse on any machine with less than 1 GB of RAM. It's a well known fact that Java programs require twice as much memory due to garbage collection. Also Eclipse is a rather complex framework. Luckily *all* systems, even the cheapest $100 netbooks have 1 GB of RAM!

My laptop had 1GB, so I'm not sure we can blame that. Eclipse was perfectly fine once it had loaded. It was only the startup which was slow.

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