Seems to me if D really wants to compete, a modern IDE is essential.

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Clark Gaebel <>wrote:

>  Doesn't really count as an IDE, but I use vim for all development, and
> the d-syntax package from the d overlay in gentoo portage was all I
> really needed to get started.
> Kudos to the maintainer of the d portage overlay by the way. Your work
> is appreciated!
> On 10/12/10 22:01, Jimmy Cao wrote:
> > I'm by no means an "actual D programmer" but I like to use Code::Blocks.
> > I've heard VisualD and Descent are also very nice.
> > There's also a guy working on (
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Michael Stover
> > <>wrote:
> >
> >> Elephant appears dead.  Poseidon's activity is extremely low and is
> still
> >> alpha after 5 years. LEDS is even less active, and DDT doesn't have a
> >> release yet.  What do actual D programmers use?
> >>
> >> -Mike
> >>
> --
> Regards,
>   -- Clark

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