On 03/09/2010 01:40, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 9/2/10 17:03 CDT, Walter Bright wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
The scene was of the main character driving on a busy highway into a
crowded metropolis. The meaning was to question the veracity and
meaning of perception, existence, and human interaction - all of which
are central themes in the movie.

This sounds more like an after the fact rationalization!

That's the thing with art - a relational value.


I also saw Solyaris and like Walter I didn't find it to be that special. I haven't given it a second view, which could (potentially) improve my appreciation of the movie. Such has happened before, with 2001 for example, which is one of my top 5 all-time favorite movies, but which I also wasn't too impressed with my first viewing.

But that increased appreciation would likely only happen if I gained a better understanding of the moive. So if indeed much of it is subjective/abstract/open-to-interpretation then that wouldn't happen, I generally don't like this kind of thing. (That's why I dislike almost all David Lynch movies... a level of magnitude above Solyaris in that regard)

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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