On Sat, 16 Oct 2010 12:23:50 -0400, Denis Koroskin <2kor...@gmail.com> wrote:

No, it doesn't use capacity, it uses length as a capacity instead:
 void ensureCapacity(T)(ref T[] array, size_t minCapacity)
        size_t capacity = array.length;
        if (minCapacity < capacity) {
        // need resize
        capacity *= 2;
        if (capacity < 16) {
                capacity = 16;
        if (capacity < minCapacity) {
                capacity = minCapacity;
        array.length = capacity;
 The usage pattern is as follows:
 dchar[] toUTF32(string s, dchar[] buffer = null)
        size_t size = 0;
        foreach (dchar d; s) {
                buffer.put(size, d);
        return buffer[0..size];

Oh, ok. So you are keeping track of the length in a local variable. That certainly works for specific applications, but Appender is supposed to be generally useful.

Like I said, An unsafe appender could be added to phobos which does the same.


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