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On Sat, 16 Oct 2010 20:16:40 +0400, Steven Schveighoffer <> wrote:

A final option is to disable the copy constructor of such an unsafe appender, but then you couldn't pass it around.

What do you think? If you think it's worth having, suggest it on the phobos mailing list, and we'll discuss.

It's still possible to pass it by reference, or even by pointer. You know, that's what you actually do right now - you are passing a Data* (a pointer to an internal state, wrapped with an Appender struct). Passing by pointer might actually be a good idea (because you can default it to null). One of the reasons I use "T[] buffer = null" as a buffer is because you aren't force to provide one, null is also a valid buffer. Many function would benefit of passing optional Appender (e.g. converting from utf8 to utf16 etc), but we shouldn't force them to do so.

Note that Appender is supposed to be fast at *appending* not initializing itself. In that respect, it's very fast.

This makes it useless for appending small amount of data.

I'm not sure it's worth the trade-off, and as such I defined and use my own set of primitives that don't allocate when a buffer is provided:

void put(T)(ref T[] array, ref size_t offset, const(T) value)
     ensureCapacity(array, offset + 1);
     array[offset++] = value;

void put(T)(ref T[] array, ref size_t offset, const(T)[] value)
     // Same but for an array

void ensureCapacity(ref char[] array, size_t minCapacity)
    // ...

I'm not sure what ensureCapacity does, but if it does what I think it does (use the capacity property of arrays), it's probably slower than Appender, which has a dedicated variable for capacity.

Back to my original question, can we mimick a reference behavior with a struct? I thought why not until I hit this bug:

import std.array;
import std.stdio;

void append(Appender!(string) a, string s)

void main()
        Appender!(string) a;
        string s = "test";
        append(a, s); // <

I'm passing an appender by value since it's supposed to have a reference type behavior and passing 4 bytes by reference is an overkill.

However, the code above doesn't work for a simple reason: structs lack default ctors. As such, an appender is initialized to null internally, when I call append a copy of it gets initialized (lazily), but the original one remains unchanged. Note that if you append to appender at least once before passing by value, it will work. But that's sad. Not only it allocates when it shouldn't, I also have to initialize it explicitly!

I think far better solution would be to make it non-copyable.

TL;DR Reference semantic mimicking with a struct without default ctors is unreliable since you must initialize your object lazily. Moreover, you have to check that you struct is not initialized yet every single function call, and that's error prone and bad for code clarity and performance. I'm opposed of that practice.

This is a point I've brought up before. As of yet there is no solution. There have been a couple of ideas passed around, but there hasn't been anything decided. The one idea I remember (but didn't really like) is to have the copy constructor be able to modify the original. This makes it possible to allocate the underlying implementation in Appender for example, even on the data being passed. There are lots of problems with this solution, and I don't think it got much traction.

I think the default constructor solution is probably never going to happen. It's very nice to always have a default fast way to initialize structs, and there is precedence (C# has the same rule).

I think there is, but it goes far beyond default ctors problem (it solves many other issues, too).
Currently, a struct is initialized with T.init/T.classinfo.init
simple initialization - malloc, followed by memcpy
there is always an immutable instance of an object in memory, and you can use it as default/not initialized state

you can't initialize class/struct variables with runtime values
increased file size (every single class/struct now has a copy of its own)

In Java, they use another approach. Instead of memcpy'ing T.init on top of allocated data, they invoke a so-called cctor (as opposed to ctor). This is a method that initializes memory so that a ctor can be called. memcpy'ing T.init has the same idea, however it is not moved into a separate method. In general, cctor can be implemented the way it is in D without sacrificing anything. However, a type-unique method is a lot better than that:

1) most structs initialize all of its members with 0. For these compiler can use memset instead. 2) killer-feature in my opinion. It allows initializing values to non-constant expressions:

class Foo
        ubyte[] buffer = new ubyte[BUFFER_SIZE];

This also solves an Appender issue:

struct Appender
        Data* data = new Data();

3) it allows getting rid of T.init, significantly reducing resulting file size

I'm not sure Walter will agree to such a radical change, but it can be achieved in small steps. D doesn't even have to get rid of T.init, it can still be there (but I'd like to get rid of it eventually)

a) Keep T.init/T.classinfo.init, introduce compiler-generated cctor what memcpy'ies T.init over the object (Optionally) Make cctor more smart, and generate proper class/struct initialization code that doesn't rely on T.init b) Allow non-constant expressions as initializers and initialize such members in the cctor
(Optionally) Get rid of T.init altogether

My suggestion would be to have it be an actual reference type -- i.e. a class. I don't see any issues with that. In that respect, you could even have it be stack-allocated, since you have emplace. But I don't have a say in that. I was the last one to update Appender, since it had a bug-ridden design and needed to be fixed, but I tried to change as little as possible.


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