Initializing immutable structures is a source of constant grief. Anything non-trivial requires instancing a mutable structure, initializing it, and then either casting to immutable (it's up to you to ensure no alias leaked) or, not to violate the type system, duplicate the whole.

Yet, if there was a situation where the alias leaking is under control, casting would be safe. Perhaps pure* functions are such a place. They can only touch the immutable world, whether through globals or through their parameters. So if one initializes the returned structure with a reference to the outside world, it will be immutable. And if you stuff the structure with anything mutable, it must have been created within the function's body, so no alias leaks.

Call me crazy, but I think it is safe to implicitly convert a pure function's return value to immutable. What you think?

* here by pure I mean either the old pure** when it still had immutable arguments, or Don's "immutably pure". ** BTW, still says immutable, please update.


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