On 13/10/2010 18:48, Daniel Gibson wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu schrieb:
On 10/13/10 11:16 CDT, Denis Koroskin wrote:
P.S. For threads this deep it's better fork a new one, especially when
changing the subject.

I thought I did by changing the title...


At least on my Thunderbird/Icedove it's still in the old Thread.

Same here on my Thunderbird 3.0. Is seems TB cares more about the "References:" field in NNTP message to determine the parent. In fact, with version 3 of TB, it seems that's all it considers... which means that NG messages with the same title as the parent will not be put in the same thread as the parent if they don't have the references field. That sounds like the right approach, however there are some problems in practice because some clients never put the references field (particularly Webnews I think), so all those messages show up in my TB as new threads. :/

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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