On 11/9/10 6:10 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 2:49 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu
<seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org>  wrote:
On 11/9/10 5:38 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 2:19 AM, Boris Wang<kona.m...@gmail.com>    wrote:

First, forgive my poor english.
we all known , Walter good at compiler writing, but not good at language
design and development management , if can't change this, just be silent.

If he isn't good at language design (in other words: D sucks): why do
you care about D? Why are you here?

I think, on language desgin, wisdom and leadership are more more
than technology.

Well, the development process of D could be better organized (having a
schedule and roadmap and such)..
But "wisdom and leadership" doesn't help much if nobody's there to
implement stuff. I think we're better of this way than having someone
who's "wiser" (what is that supposed to mean in this context anyway?)
and a better leader, but can't code.

Ether continue working on D, or make D like clone,  if we can't do it
APPLE, just give up ASAP,
because we can only save us by our selves.

Sorry, I can't make any sense of that sentence.

I think he meant "We should all either continue working on D or make a
D-like clone. If we can't do it like Apple, we should just give up ASAP.
Only the community can save the situation."


What's meant with "do it like Apple"? Is that some kind of idiom I'm
not familiar with?
He certainly couldn't have meant that literally, because making D
overpriced and proprietary would certainly not help.

My guess is "do it professionally and successfully".


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