oldtimer Wrote:
> Some of us hoped D2 would solve the ugly corner cases of the language and 
> unify a lot of features. Unfortunately not any kind of macro system was 
> implemented, templates got even uglier, the alias this hack, snake oil 
> template!X syntax shortcut and all kinds of unnecessary features were added. 
> Of course also good features were added, but overall this just isn't good 
> enough.

Is it a coincidence that all the complaints seem to come from a single person? 
Let's take a look at my killfile:

ankh, anonymous troll, another lurker, anton smith, arnoldsschwartz, bjarne 
yesterday, blaise pascal, cal, chmod+x, crap, darth tango, domino, ellis 
peters, foobar, gareth charnock, gcc-lurker, girlprogrammer, godworshipper, 
gryphon, her3tic, jameskan, jane doe, jarett billingsley, jer, languagefan, 
larry coder, lars ivar douchesund, levenshtein, lurker, nobody, oldtimer, pipe 
dream, pointing hand, retard, retard++, retarded.clear(), scott, steveh, 
superdan, user, wah, william t. fnk, yoda, type<erasure>, uriel (reddit), 
eternium (reddit), iliekcaeks (reddit), feepingcreature (reddit), 
parametricpoly (reddit), nfxjfg (bugzilla), and many more!

Sometimes feels like this guy dresses up as bearophile just to waste our time 
with stupid nonsense. In reality there's a single sick person opposing D2 and 
it's probably the lead developer of Tango who wasn't invited (it's just one 
freaking license change!). No wonder Tango for D2 gets ever done, the guy is 
wasting time here posting this crap. Sad times. :-( Do us a favor, go and use 
that F#/Spec#/ATS/Clojure/Go/Scala/Haskell/C++/C#/Java/{whatever it is this 
time}. Never come back. It's time to cut off this bullshit now. We're adults. 
It's too late to change D in any radical way now. You either like it or hate 
it. Trust me, those favorite languages of yours suit *you* much better, we 
don't deserve that enlightenment TYVM. Go to movies, find a girlfriend, get a 
job, buy a house, start living a normal life. Don't be an emo kid. So much time 
is wasted on these stupid threads about totally irrelevant new features.

To not sound like a pathetic troll, something positive now: With that knowledge 
of yours all kinds of *good* things could be done. Write applications, write 
libraries, write languages, do language research, earn money! I challenge you 
to write your own "clone" of D. Maybe fork D1 and make a D 1.5 as you "all" 
wanted. Fix all the "relevant" issues and leave out template "bloat". Might 
even attract small user base. Since you get your money elsewhere, you're not 
tied to the old dmc/optlink backend. Use LLVM! Use modern project management 
tools (Trac, Redmine, ...), use a modern SCM system (Git), invite all friends 
in. The stage is yours! If you come up with something better than D, I might be 
one of the first developers making the switch.

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