
2010/11/9 thank you oldtimer <nos...@_._>

> oldtimer Wrote:
> > Some of us hoped D2 would solve the ugly corner cases of the language and
> unify a lot of features. Unfortunately not any kind of macro system was
> implemented, templates got even uglier, the alias this hack, snake oil
> template!X syntax shortcut and all kinds of unnecessary features were added.
> Of course also good features were added, but overall this just isn't good
> enough.
> Is it a coincidence that all the complaints seem to come from a single
> person? Let's take a look at my killfile:
> ankh, anonymous troll, another lurker, anton smith, arnoldsschwartz, bjarne
> yesterday, blaise pascal, cal, chmod+x, crap, darth tango, domino, ellis
> peters, foobar, gareth charnock, gcc-lurker, girlprogrammer, godworshipper,
> gryphon, her3tic, jameskan, jane doe, jarett billingsley, jer, languagefan,
> larry coder, lars ivar douchesund, levenshtein, lurker, nobody, oldtimer,
> pipe dream, pointing hand, retard, retard++, retarded.clear(), scott,
> steveh, superdan, user, wah, william t. fnk, yoda, type<erasure>, uriel
> (reddit), eternium (reddit), iliekcaeks (reddit), feepingcreature (reddit),
> parametricpoly (reddit), nfxjfg (bugzilla), and many more!
> Sometimes feels like this guy dresses up as bearophile just to waste our
> time with stupid nonsense. In reality there's a single sick person opposing
> D2 and it's probably the lead developer of Tango who wasn't invited (it's
> just one freaking license change!). No wonder Tango for D2 gets ever done,
> the guy is wasting time here posting this crap. Sad times. :-( Do us a
> favor, go and use that
> F#/Spec#/ATS/Clojure/Go/Scala/Haskell/C++/C#/Java/{whatever it is this
> time}. Never come back. It's time to cut off this bullshit now. We're
> adults. It's too late to change D in any radical way now. You either like it
> or hate it. Trust me, those favorite languages of yours suit *you* much
> better, we don't deserve that enlightenment TYVM. Go to movies, find a
> girlfriend, get a job, buy a house, start living a normal life. Don't be an
> emo kid. So much time is wasted on these stupid threads about totally
> irrelevant new features.
> To not sound like a pathetic troll, something positive now: With that
> knowledge of yours all kinds of *good* things could be done. Write
> applications, write libraries, write languages, do language research, earn
> money! I challenge you to write your own "clone" of D. Maybe fork D1 and
> make a D 1.5 as you "all" wanted. Fix all the "relevant" issues and leave
> out template "bloat". Might even attract small user base. Since you get your
> money elsewhere, you're not tied to the old dmc/optlink backend. Use LLVM!
> Use modern project management tools (Trac, Redmine, ...), use a modern SCM
> system (Git), invite all friends in. The stage is yours! If you come up with
> something better than D, I might be one of the first developers making the
> switch.

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