Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> On 11/22/10 5:02 PM, Eric Poggel wrote:
> > On 11/22/2010 7:29 AM, bearophile wrote:
> >> From what I'm seeing in D.learn there is a problem in the D community:
> >> some people seem irrationally attached to the idea they are free to
> >> write D code as they like. I have four or five times tried to explain
> >> why coding standards are important for the development of the D
> >> community, but it seems not everybody is understanding it.
> >>
> >> So I suggest everyone that understands this problem to assume a more
> >> rigid and strict attitude toward this problem, because the D2 language
> >> community is just starting to develop now, and you don't want it to
> >> become the mess the C/C++ world it. I am talking about cases of
> >> struct/class names, cases of function names, and few other things.
> >>
> >> If I import a module written by another person, I don't want to look
> >> in the docs every time to know if the names start with upper case or
> >> lower case, and I don't want a module of mine that uses three modules
> >> written by other people to look like a patchwork of different styles
> >> (because half of it uses an API with a style and half of it with
> >> another API and some bits written in a third way).
> >>
> >> If you don't act now, adopting less tolerance, this will lead to a mess.
> >>
> >> Bye,
> >> bearophile
> >
> > I think we first need to figure out a standard for phobos 2 :)
> >
> > std.string.isNumeric
> correct. Types in Phobos are LikeThis whereas functions and values are 
> likeThis. (BTW I find that function beyond useless.)
> > std.string.expandtabs
> Copied from another language's strings lib.
> > std.string.tolowerInPlace <--Changes naming convention mid-way!
> Well, tolower is arguably a collocation :o).
> Andrei

Bearophile seriously go cure yourself. Your obsession of making D __seem__ good 
fails badly. People adopt D because of your advertisement on various forums and 
tutorials. They expect much, but dive deep in shit in return. You can't beat 
the authors in arrogance. They shamelessly defend bad coding practices like 
this. You also can't change the way amateur followers think. D is a better C++, 
nothing more. You want much more. Why stick with D? The ratio of successful 
proposals would be much higher in communities of more experimental languages. 
You also face tons of bugs with dmd. No other reference compiler is as buggy 
and non-free. Think about it. This is an obsession. You owe nothing to the 
developers. They don't appreciate your skills in any case. There will be no D3 
in the near future. I hope the puremagic bugzilla will accidentally wipe all 
your excellent proposals to make you realize this language has no future. TYVM 
for your attention.

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