On 11/23/10 5:32 PM, Brainy wrote:
Bearophile seriously go cure yourself. Your obsession of making D
__seem__ good fails badly. People adopt D because of your
advertisement on various forums and tutorials. They expect much, but
dive deep in shit in return. You can't beat the authors in arrogance.
They shamelessly defend bad coding practices like this.

Quite honest, I wish my main problem were shoddy practices in naming functions. Anyhow, fact is, it's all true: expandtabs was taken verbatim from Python (http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/string_expandtabs.htm). I personally think the whole function could be deprecated. tolower has virtually become a collocation because C has had it forever. Besides, I defined the function tolowerInPlace to keep a parallel with tolower, which creates a new string.

New code I introduced follows the convention that types start with uppercase and values and function names start with lowercase.

Overall this doesn't seem significant evidence of shameless defense of bad practices stemmed in arrogance. I trust that someone sufficiently motivated could construct a better case.

You also
can't change the way amateur followers think. D is a better C++,
nothing more. You want much more. Why stick with D? The ratio of
successful proposals would be much higher in communities of more
experimental languages. You also face tons of bugs with dmd. No other
reference compiler is as buggy and non-free. Think about it. This is
an obsession. You owe nothing to the developers. They don't
appreciate your skills in any case. There will be no D3 in the near
future. I hope the puremagic bugzilla will accidentally wipe all your
excellent proposals to make you realize this language has no future.
TYVM for your attention.

Bearophile's output has made very significant progress since e.g. 1-2 years ago, and I am very pleased to see that. At the same time, I must say I cannot allow myself to agree with all he says just to be nice, and I wouldn't rate the average of his contributions as excellent as of this time (he'd be the first to say he has much learning ahead of him although, again, the improvement has been visible). My perception is that less experienced designers tend to ascribe more value to his points, which is quite ironic since you wanted to implicitly distinguish yourself as savvy.

Overall I think bearophile is receiving fair and well-deserved attention, appreciation, and social proof for his contributions to this community, and I find this backhanded attempts at discouraging him quite unbecoming.


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