"Michael Stover" <michael.r.sto...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> And that's the problem - we're talking about applications that happen to 
> be
> distributed via the web, not a "website".

Ahh, I see, so it's just "distributed via the web". Here are some 
applications that *are*, in fact, distrubuted via the web:

- Eclipse
- Avisynth / VirtualDub
- Linux / BSD

Those are distributed via the web and using them doesn't require one damn 
bit of in-browser code execution. Hell, they doesn't even require a browser 
at all. And no, I'm *not* playing semantics games here: "Distributed via the 
web" means exactly what it means. So obviously we *are* talking about 
websites that act as apps, *not* merely apps distributed via the web.

> Everyone's demands that it work
> in lynx, FF2, with javascript turned off, etc are ludicrous.  You don't 
> get
> to make such demands of applications.

Of course I get to. See, here I am demanding it. What can you possibly mean 
by I "don't get to make such demands of applications"? Of course I get to.

> Some applications are Windows only.

And Unix users *don't* use those apps (wine notwithstanding). Are you goint 
to complain about Unix users who refuse to use Windows apps or desire apps 
to be cross-platform?

> Some don't follow platform standards.

And I avoid using those programs. See, here I am making demands that you 
didn't think I could make.

> Some require 1GB to work effectively.

Even *I* have 1GB RAM.

And some things *shouldn't* require 1GB RAM: Like a text-entry box.

> None let you require it work without running code, etc.

Strawman: Nobody ever said anything about not running any code at all. Web 
apps can work perfectly fine running code on the server.

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