On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 23:45:49 +0200, Nick Sabalausky <a...@a.a> wrote:

Opera's "extentions" aren't
extensions at all but widgets that have little-to-no connection with the
web-browsing function.

Opera 11 supposedly introduces support for real extensions, though after browsing the extension gallery[1] I haven't noticed anything I'd want to use. They seem to be pimped-up UserScripts, nothing which allows actually modifying the UI (possibly a good thing - a customized Firefox looks like a Frankenbrowser with all the toolbars and buttons). Opera has also supported UserScripts for some time.

I think I had some other problems as well though I
don't remember exactly what. I posted my impressions of it on this NG, you can probably just search the NG for posts from "Sabalausky" with "opera" in
the text.

Hmm, can't find anything (neither in my archives, nor on Google)... well, considering that a few years ago someone from Opera Software said that "The best browser in the world doesn't need extensions", I'd say that quite a few things changed ;)

 [1]: https://addons.opera.com/addons/extensions/

Best regards,
 Vladimir                            mailto:vladi...@thecybershadow.net

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