On 12/19/2010 01:44 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/19/10 10:35 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
On 12/19/2010 01:21 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/19/10 9:32 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
I have this code:

import std.stdio;

int foobar(int delegate(int) f) {
return f(1);

int foobar2(string s)() {
int x = 1;
mixin("return " ~ s ~ ";");

void main() {
writefln("%d", foobar((int x) { return 2*x; }));
writefln("%d", foobar2!("9876*x"));

When I compile it with -O -inline I can see with obj2asm that for the
first writefln the delegate is being called. However, for the second
it just passes
9876 to writefln.

From this I can say many things:
- It seems that if I want hyper-high performance in my code I must use
string mixins because delegate calls, even if they are very simple and
functions that uses them are also very simple, are not inlined. This
has the drawback that each call to foobar2 with a different string
will generate a
different method in the object file.

You forgot:

writefln("%d", foobar2!((x) { return 2*x; })());

That's a real delegate, not a string, but it will be inlined.


Sorry, I don't understand. I tried these:

int foobar3(int delegate(int) f)() {
return f(1);

writefln("%d", foobar3!((int x) { return 2*x; })());

=> foo.d(12): Error: arithmetic/string type expected for
value-parameter, not int delegate(int)

int foobar3()(int delegate(int) f) {
return f(1);

writefln("%d", foobar3!()((int x) { return 2*x; }));

=> Works, but it doesn't get inlined.

And I tried that "(x) { ... }" syntax and it doesn't work.

Sorry, it must be my fault I'm doing something wrong. What's the correct
way of writing optimized code in D, code that I'm sure the compiler will
know how to optimize?

void foobar3(alias fun)() {
return fun(1);


import std.stdio;

int foobar3(alias f)() {
   return f(1);

void main() {
   writefln("%d", foobar3!((x) { return 9876*x; })());

aster...@deep-water:~/dmd2/linux/bin$ ./dmd foo.d -O -inline
aster...@deep-water:~/dmd2/linux/bin$ ./obj2asm foo.o | vi -
(line 530)
                push    EBP
                mov     EBP,ESP
                mov     EAX,offset 
                push    dword ptr _t...@sym32[0eh]
                push    dword ptr _t...@sym32[010h]
                push    02694h
                xor     EAX,EAX
                pop     EBP

No, it doesn't seem to get inlined. Luckily. Because if it did get inlined then I would improve DMD by giving an error on this line:

int foobar(int delegate(int) f) {

foo.d(3): Error: Hey man, what are you doing? Don't you know that if you pass delegates that way they don't get inlined? You should write it this way: "int foobar(alias f)()". That is, of course, if you want your code to be more performant.

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