On 12/19/2010 02:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/19/10 11:21 AM, foobar wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

On 12/19/10 5:08 AM, foobar wrote:
Walter Bright Wrote:

JRM wrote:
you could write:
I think this idea (or something similar) is worth consideration.
It is
simply a small extension to an already existing feature that would
give D
a terser syntax for lambda's than most of the other languages
we've been



is just as short! And it already works.

I think that the issue here is not about syntax as much as it is
about semantics:
As others said, this is equivalent to dynamic language's eval() or
to D's string mixin and the this raises the question of hygiene
which sadly has no good solution in D.

The main concern is this:
In what context are the symbols 'a' and 'b' evaluated?

At the moment they cannot be correctly evaluated at the caller
context and do not allow:
sort!("a.foo()> b.bar()")(whatever);

That does work. What doesn't work is calling nonmember functions looked
up in the context of the caller.


Either way, I personally don't care that much for another syntax for
delegates. I personally just want to see this ugly hack removed from
the standard library and discouraged. This feature promotes a code
smell. And for what, as you said yourself, to save 4 characters?

"a > b" vs. (a, b) { return a > b; }

Savings: 17 characters.

D should be consistent with only ONE delegate syntax. This is why Ruby
reads like poetry to its followers and c++ is like carving letters in

Also, Ruby is well slower than C++ and other languages. It's easy to
design a beautiful language if that's the primary concern. It's
difficult to design a language when you want to keep in harmony a larger
list of desiderata.

I much prefer that the lowering you mentioned to be implemented so
that performance wise this UGLY hack will have no benefits.

The lowering will unfortunately solve little. I don't see how

sort!"a > b"(array);

is horrible but

sort(a, b; array) { return a > b; }

is beautiful and clear. Besides, that return is bizarre - did you mean
return from the comparison or the caller? Ruby chose the latter, which I
think is very sensible, but in that case you have a more difficult time
returning locally.

Not at all. The last executed statement is what gets returned. And that doesn't only apply to blocks, but to normal functions:

def foo

Of course, inventing new syntax is always available :o).

regarding hygiene - the term was correct.



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