You have a good point if playing vintage games is important to you.

He was quite clear on that i think, this is not like natural selection.
I don't know Nick, but like the new generation movies, new generation games mostly suck.
If i had to, i would definitely pick the old ones for both of them.

The benefits of CRTs are not being overlooked. They are insignificant or illusory. If they were significant, CRTs would still be in significant use. Donning a flat panel is not a display of social status. Most people need computers to get work done, and they'd use CRTs if CRTs would have them do better work.

Well you can't value things like that, you know better than that.
It is not just about how significant or insignificant?

How is it watching things in only one angle?
How is it reading a text, or i should say trying to read?
How about colors or refresh rate?

Yes, LCD has its own benefits too, and quite a bit of them.
You forget the biggest factor, cost, for both user and the mainly producer.

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