On 2/2/11 6:47 AM, spir wrote:
On 02/02/2011 11:08 AM, bearophile wrote:

It looks realy nice!

I agree, it's a clear improvement.

But brief description table could use some spacing between
descriptions. It's a lilttle hard to read.

Instead of that I suggest to give an alternating white - light cyan
background to every adjacent group in the first table and every row in
the second table. Like in this page:
Replacing<tr> with<tr bgcolor="#F9F9F9"> or<tr bgcolor="#EAF6FF">.
In attach (I hope) a modified version for show.

Should /not/ be done (*): a web-designer should no more impose
(background) colors to users, than font sizes or any other rendering
style element. And certainly not white backgrounds, please (make my eyes
cry). The site's design is supposed to just-work without any custom
style; proposed style is a 'plus'.


(*) Works not by me, anyway: I cannot stand white background, highly
painful after 1/4 hour. To avoid this, I set my own background color in
firefox (as well as other elements like fonts & sizes). Thus, your trick
is invisible by people like me.

I guess this makes the alternating backgrounds tenuous. For now I added some subtle horizontal lines, let me know how that works.



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