On Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:06:11 +0300, Magnus Lie Hetland <mag...@hetland.org> wrote:

I think perhaps some adjustments could be made to the layout, to make it more suitable to narrow(ish) browser windows (c.f., the discussio about 80 columns -- without starting a huge thread like that again ;)

For one thing, in narrow(ish) columns, ragged-right might be preferable. Then again, it may be that the way it looks on my end isn't what's intended:


Left menu, Category and Function Name tables do take up about 800 pixels in width, leaving very little space for Description on small resolution displays, mostly because of the large font size used and identifiers as long as "largestPartialIntersectionWeighted".

While there is little we can do with identifier names, I believe font size could be reduced by about 30% without sacrificing readability. At least in Opera the page looks well even at 70% scale.

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