On Thu, 03 Feb 2011 19:55:59 -0500, Gary Whatmore <n...@spam.sp> wrote:

There are a few false statements in here, I feel like saying "I don't know this guy." I'm sorry I had to bring this up again...

Tango is not evil, it is built much the same way Phobos is, from many enthusiastic developers who want to make things better. Not to mention their code is very good (I know, I wrote some of it, and I've read a lot of it).

Unfortunately for us, some main contributors believe the license should not be changed (which is perfectly within their rights), and there's not much we can do about it except avoid using their code. We should just move on and forget about it. Let's see how good we can do on our own, I think we have the technical prowess to get reasonable performance in an XML library cleanly.


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