On 02/06/2011 05:01 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:
Is there any plan to add vectorisation intrinsics to DMD?

I know that DMD generates vectorised instructions for array operations, but
last time I checked, these were far from optimal for aligned float[4] objects.
In fact, it appears to generate a function call for all vector operations,
regardless of size or alignment.

I believe that these intrinsics would be very beneficial to D, and this is
because I believe that one of D's biggest markets is indie game devs:

- They need a really high performance language, but are tired of C++
- They are not held back by legacy code
- They are generally risk takers, so are willing to invest in new tech

- They need a sympathetic /data description language/, which D is not far to B. --> Lua, with the power of compilation and low-level coding, in a single language.
What do you think?

vita es estrany

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