On 02/12/2011 02:36 AM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
Am 12.02.2011 02:25, schrieb bearophile:
Michel Fortin:

No one noticed yet that the a..b:c syntax causes ambiguity? Tell me,
how do you rewrite this using the new proposed syntax:

        auto aa = [iota(a, b, c): 1, iota(d, e): 2];

Right, that's why in another post I have said that syntax replaces most iota 
usages. There are some situations where you can't use it well. This is another 
situation I've shown in the enhancement request:
Writing it like this is not sane:

Interval is clear only as long as there's no step value mentioned.
Having a step value is quite a stretch from the usual notion of an

Right, but I think it's acceptable still, and better than iota.

I like a lot so's suggestion "walk". I'm not sure it's much clearer
than iota though.

It's better than iota, but not by much.


I think it's much better. Even having "steps" (or a stepsize) is obvious with 

iota only makes sense when you know this from other languages/libraries or if
your native spoken language has a similar word that can be somehow connected.
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/iota doesn't give a real connection (and two
English->German dictionaries I've checked don't either - one only listed iota as
the greek letter, the other had mentions about something tiny) - it's just
something small like that greek i-without-a-dot letter.
There's nothing that connects it to a range of values with a fixed step size.

That page looks listing various meanings in foreign languages, but mostly stincks with the greek letter; it does not mention any sense everday sense iota actually has. Example fro fr.wiktionary:

# Nom de ι, Ι, neuvième lettre et quatrième voyelle de l’alphabet grec. Équivalent du i latin.
# Petite quantité négligeable, presque rien.

Free translation: little negligible quantity, nearly nothing.
There are good chances iota has a similar meaning in numerous languages, especially romance ones. Bearophile, Andrei?

vita es estrany

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