Vladimir Panteleev:

> Wikipedia articles must prove that they are notable enough,

Those persons have removed some interesting information.


Aaron Smith:

> D is much much more notable than Nemerle, Alice ML, Pure, Nosica, Kiev, 
> Einstein, Alma-0, Joy, Zonnon, Y, Cat, Fancy, Ambi, Ptolemy, Mythryl, COMIT, 
> Ioke, EASY, Aikido, A+, Adenine, Afnix, Bsisith, ChinesePython, AngelScript, 
> Algae, Agena, Taxi, Inger, Iota, Jot, Agora, Falcon, Averest, Lava, Factor, 
> Glagol. These all have been deleted by the same editor.

Nemerle, Factor, and few others need to be put back in Wikipedia.

> This guy is actually doing us a great favor by deleting references to 
> competition. This improves D's position a lot in Wikipedia.

You need a bit more "Population thinking" :-) First of all, gaining popularity 
thanks to someone that foster ignorance isn't something to be proud of.

And then, D is a new language. Ignorant programmers that don't know much about 
languages are less likely to become interested in D. If you increase the 
biodiversity of language knowledge inside the head of programmers, they will be 
more ready to understand and accept D too. Some people know D because they are 
language enthusiasts, they a good part of the early adopters of a language that 
has no tools and tons of bugs. The more you know, the more able you are to 
learn. Reducing the exposure to other languages you reduce the biodiversity of 
language knowledge. This has a net negative effect on the growth of the D 
community. Knowledge is never a zero-sum game.


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