On 02/15/2011 02:25 AM, bearophile wrote:
D is much much more notable than Nemerle, Alice ML, Pure, Nosica, Kiev, 
Einstein, Alma-0, Joy, Zonnon, Y, Cat, Fancy, Ambi, Ptolemy, Mythryl, COMIT, 
Ioke, EASY, Aikido, A+, Adenine, Afnix, Bsisith, ChinesePython, AngelScript, 
Algae, Agena, Taxi, Inger, Iota, Jot, Agora, Falcon, Averest, Lava, Factor, 
Glagol. These all have been deleted by the same editor.
Nemerle, Factor, and few others need to be put back in Wikipedia.

The issue is: who judges what needs to be put? If we agree the notoriety criterion is not only not good enough, but simply bad, in numerous domains (not only PLs), then what can be used? What criterion can be used, especially, to /remove/ articles? Possibly the most interesting & earth-shaking language of all ever invented is among these ones. It is obviously hard to find one criterion, in any domain involving design, creativity and/or research, don't you think?

vita es estrany

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