Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> "ToNyTeCh" <> wrote in message
> news:imri5l$1ahi$
>> Seriously, I wanna know. How many lines of compiler code does it
>> take for each (Walt should have the best handle on this, surely)?
>> The LOC is one parameter, but I don't want just that -- it just came
>> to mind while typing the overall question. The intricacy of the
>> compiler is much more important thatn the LOC. (Is D's compiler more
>> intricate than C++'s?). Any facts, feelings, guesses, whatever, are
>> all welcomed in response. The complexity in regard to usage would be
>> a good thing to hear about from users of all levels of experience
>> (with D and other languages).
> I've never actually implemented either, and have dealt very little
> with the soruce for either, but these are my (unreliable) impressions
> of it:
> C++ is a complex monster,

Ah, yes, but I have an incling that D is also.. but it is "just" an 
incling (read, a pretty good "guess").

> and has a lot of bizarre complexity in
> areas that really shouldn't need to be so complex.

It has to appease C programmers (and the C codebase) though. (One must 
ask if C programmers have a fountain of youth coded up somewhere to hang 
on so long!).

> D cleans up much
> of that.

Give me 3 examples.

> But that cleanup gives D room for additional, but "cleaner",
> things to be added, like CTFE.

I don't know "CTFE"... Compile Time... something? (Template 

> So they're both complex compared to
> the average "minimalism"-driven langauge,

You mean scripting languages? Cuz those are in a separate category. But 
some level of comparison with those is valid for sure, for they are 
probably rewriting the rules moreso than the bit-level language 

> but D makes more effective
> use of complexity. One "unit of complexity" gives you more benefit in
> D.

If that is so, it could be shown. (A little Devil's Advocate).

> Of course, this is a D newsgroup, so naturally we're going to be a
> bit more in favor of D, anyway, FWIW.

Well the "in the paint" ones, maybe you. But surely most people here have 
to make a living and program in other languages and I'd be interested in 
opinions from those rather than the "in the paint" ones. 

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