PS I don't want to say every of Python's decisions is wrong. Many of them are great (but defenitely not significant intendation).
On a side-note, I thought the same, until I realised I hate redundancies even more than I hated forced code-styles. And code-indentation AND brackets are clearly redundant, since they pretty much convey the same information "block", only one is structural and the other visual.

Nowadays, my complaint on Python-indentation are that they aren't fully enforcing a STRICT policy on indentation. Mixed-code indentation in 3d-part can cause a lot of unexpected bugs.

Personally, I'd like to see a world where "plain old text" (whatever that means, considering all the related encoding and line-ending-problems constantly biting us multi-platform non-ASCII-people in the behind) were replaced with something just slightly higher-level, such as semantic trees. For programming, the notion would be to, instead of storing "text", storing the AST of the parsed code, letting the editor render the tree to the user's preferences, to create true separation between information (the structural code) and visualization (the readable code).

If a standardized format for the serialized tree was used, VCS:es could use it to record changes not as "lines changed", but changes in the AST. Name-changes would not change entire lines, but just the references to that symbol. Wrapping a block of code into an "if-statement" could clearly be visualized, instead of appearing like a big chunk of code were COMPLETELY rewritten (when in reality it was just indented.)

For other tree structured formats, if nothing else, efficient standardized tree-representation could significantly boost performance of some protocols. (XML, I'm looking at you)

I know, it's not going to happen, but one can dream?

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