On 05/04/2011 10:04, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2011-04-05 01:16, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On 2011-04-04 15:41, Matthias Pleh wrote:
Am 05.04.2011 00:14, schrieb Daniel Gibson:
Maybe your company could help the DWT or QtD guys?
Getting something stable out of that would most probably not take as
long as developing your own cross-platform GUI toolkit.
Furthermore many people are already familiar with SWT and Qt, so they
wouldn't have to learn another toolkit for D.

You have missed the point. For our company the decision is made. We
already use C++/Qt now.
But I really like the D programming language and I use it for all my
private projects. So I think, we, as the D community, should create a
modern D GUI library entirely written in D.

Feel free to do that if you want, but I think that most people around
would agree that your time would be better spent improving the
existing GUI
toolkit bindings - such as qtd or dwt. A _lot_ of time and effort goes
making a truly solid and complete GUI toolkit. Why duplicate all of
that work?
There's just too much else that needs to be done for D. And even if we
duplicate that work with a GUI toolkit which is completely written in
D, you'd
need a large team to develop it properly. And given the general
in getting contributors for the various major D projects, I rather
doubt that
you're going to manage that.

So, do whatever you want, but I really don't think that developing a
new GUI
toolkit for D is really the best use of your time. There's plenty of
stuff that needs doing which would be of greater value.

- Jonathan M Davis

I completely agree. Qt has been around since 1992 and SWT since the
1990s, starting as a toolkit for smalltalk. They both have come very far
in their development.

I completely agree too.
Even if DWT's Javaness is eventually completely unbearable for someone, it would still be much better to change it (even if as a fork/new-project and not part of the main project) than to build something entirely new from scratch.

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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