Am 12.04.2011 13:10, schrieb spir:
> On 04/12/2011 06:30 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
>> I just dug up my old wav.d and quickly added support
>> to it for both Windows and Linux. Now, this is sucky D1 code,
>> but hey, it works, and it's short. If there's interest, I can
>> port to D2 and add some range support to it and see about fleshing
>> it out.
>> Again, this is D1, so be sure to use an appropriate compiler. It's
>> dependency free (even on Linux - the only calls it makes are to the
>> kernel for open, write, close, and ioctl. It uses the OSS /dev/dsp
>> method.
>> BTW, yes, I know OSS is deprecated. Fuck that noise, ALSA is a piece
>> of shit and who the hell even knows what's going on anymore beyond it.
>> Seems like every time I turn around there's another half assed new
>> Linux audio stack. What the damn son.
>> OSS is technically superior and *infinitely* easier to use. If I
>> decide to post my MIDI code, you'll see what I mean - it uses ALSA
>> and takes like 100 lines to do the simplest thing. The Windows
>> version of midi, using the *low level* functions was about ten lines
>> long...
>> Besides OSS works on just about any unix, so it's more cross platform
>> too. So yeah, I'm sticking to it for any kind of simple audio module.)
> An excellent article on the topic:
> (many other articles by the author are very good)
> Also, OSS has been free software again for 4 years already. And yes,
> ALSA is plain shift both for the developper & the user; and its
> propaganda is bullshit. Use OSS! and let it be known this is the only
> right choice available for efficient, simple, and portable sound apps...
> Denis

ALSA is the de facto standard on Linux.
It used to use an old version of OSS that didn't support surround sound
etc (and better OSS versions were commercial back then).
So ALSA was developed.. years later the OSS developer realized that he
wouldn't make any money with it anymore and opensourced OSS.
Should Linux switch back now and dismiss all work that has gone into ALSA?

Also you shouldn't write directly against OSS or ALSA but use SDL or
OpenAL or libao or ... instead.

- Daniel

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