Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> What about PortAudio?

Any idea where the usable documentation is? I glanced through the wiki
but it seems to devote all its time to explaining how to compile it...
not a good sign.

btw though, this is one of the reasons why I often prefer doing it
myself rather than using libraries. Libraries often don't do what
I want anyway, and if they do, it takes longer to figure out how
they work than it does to just read the underlying spec!

Add on the runtime and license requirements and it's just blargh.

I might just put in a simple alsa branch to satisfy the ones who
want that and leave it at that until SDL 1.3 goes stable. At that
point we can reconsider bringing it in. SDL works pretty well,
has decent documentation, and I already know how to use it anyway.

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