On 2011-04-12 07:47:48 -0400, Daniel Gibson <metalcae...@gmail.com> said:

Am 12.04.2011 13:44, schrieb Michel Fortin:
On 2011-04-12 07:18:39 -0400, Daniel Gibson <metalcae...@gmail.com> said:

Also you shouldn't write directly against OSS or ALSA but use SDL or
OpenAL or libao or ... instead.

The problem with intermediary libraries is that they require work on the
programmer side to work. I think there is value in being able to write a
simple program just by importing std.simpleaudio and having it work
instantly without having to install any library or play with linker
flags (which will be handled by pragma(lib) if you let DMD handle the
linker). And it's also easier to distribute your app if it doesn't
depend on dynamic libraries not installed by default on the system.

I'm not saying those libraries are not useful, only that they come with
some complications.

Err.. I didn't say "don't use std.simpleaudio" but "don't use OSS/ALSA
directly but some platform independent abstraction" - which could as
well be your std.simpleaudio :)

I misunderstood then. I thought you were saying that std.simpleaudio should be implemented using one of these platform abstractions. Actually it could, but I think it'll diminish its value.

Michel Fortin

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