On 24/04/2011 21:40, dsimcha wrote:
However, it seems others in the community are interested in a more
general SQL DB wrapper that can be used with a variety of backends.
Now that no GSoC database project has been accepted, we need to
consider other options for getting this done. I understand that there
are a lot of independent attempts, but I don't know the status of
them or which ones, if any, are targeting eventual inclusion in

I have a general SQL db wrapper (only wrapping SQLite currently), which I'd be happy to adapt and submit for phobos, I'm currently working on a complete rewrite though, so this may not be a great idea right now.

Example usage:
struct Post
    int id;
    DateTime time;
    string title;
    string content;

auto getPosts(long lim, long offs=0)
    with (new SqlQuery)
        return execute!(Post)();
foreach(post; getPosts(10))
    // Operate on posts

The new interface makes the above even simpler, it will look something like (rather rough, I'm in the early stages of implementing it):
struct Post
    int id;
    DateTime time;
    string title;
    string content;

auto posts = new SqlitePersister!Post(new SqliteDb("my.db"));
foreach(post; posts[0..10])
    // Operate on posts

Of course, both of these provide (or will provide) an interface to allow for SQL statements to be executed directly.


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